Friday, April 26, 2013

An open letter to all of us

You do not understand the world around you... 
neither do I. 
This is not the byproduct of a lack of care, will or understanding… 
it is simply unattainable under our current conditions.
This culture of ours makes it impossible to feel comfortable with certainty…
deny your thoughts, for they simply raise too many questions.

A window becomes poetry when the other side is unattainable 

Forgo these notions of comfort, a cold shower on a hot day…
mistakes are made to be learned from.
Light a candle for it's convenience…
be aware of the fire it starts.
A liberated thinker is far from isolation…
but far too inconvenient.

Family becomes apathetic in the face of dishonesty

Nurture the uncomfortable mind for it has far more to draw from than ghosts and insecurity.

Tell yourself you are more than the product of your experiences…
you are their offspring.
The future remains unwritten yet it keeps us all in mind. 

Remember your love and ask it for forgiveness when you stray…

we are all in this together

and I miss you most of all.